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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Hypnosis A personlised induction to hynosis will always be more Essay
Entrancing A personlised enlistment to hynosis will consistently be progressively powerful. ''Examine'' - Essay Example Feeling ought to never be stayed away from in light of the fact that it will deal with the person's sub-still, small voice. The orders ought to be pushed and genuinely underlined and as indicated by advisors, slight exaggerating works quite well. Reasonable negatives are involved with words like actually no, not, never, which are, generally not utilized it trance contents, can be utilized in customized contents in an intriguing and strong way, without passing on a negative significance. There is no requirement for you falter; you will locate the whole experience elating! Four sense test builds the intensity of the proposal by protracting it. This lone methods improving the desires for the spellbound individual, by celebrating it. By making an electrifying perception, with ground-breaking and convincing methodology the scholar can improve the effect hugely. As per ongoing explores, spellbinding has the ability to change the working of the mind, by utilizing practical cerebrum imaging, as indicated by John Gruzlier. ( truly changes-your-mind.html ) It has consistently been realized that psyche works distinctively while in spellbound state and this refutes the consistence hypothesis.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Friday, July 31, 2020
PSA new HASS concentration in Computing and Society
PSA new HASS concentration in Computing and Society The Tech has an article out this morning about a new HASS concentration in Computing and Society that I am stupidly geeked about and want to share with you. First things first: as you may know, the foundation of the MIT education is the GIRs (our core curriculum), atop which you scaffold whatever major(s) and minor(s) your little dork heart desires. However, an MIT convention that spans the two is the HASS concentration, a student-chosen area of focus within the HASS requirement that does not quite rise to the level of a minor01 Although, if a minor is offered in the same field, a student may extend their concentration into a minor in the same field. but does offer more coherence and depth in a single field. As I mentioned in my blog post about the new College of Computing, which coordinates computing education, research, and infrastructure across MITs five schools, there is a strong interest in the intersection of humans and computing at MIT, and a rapidly-developing formal curriculum to support it. And, as someone who has taught MIT undergrads in this area, including one of the courses featured in the new concentration, I have seen just tremendous, insatiable intellectual hunger in recent years among our students for more initiatives like this. Heres how the HASS website describes the new concentration: The Computing and Society Concentration introduces students to critical thinking about computation and its technologies, making clear the relevance of MITs humanisitic fields to the science and engineering coursework at MIT, as well as to students future careers. Drawing together classes from nine MIT-SHASS units, this concentration helps MIT students understand that “computation†is not just a technical process but also a socio-cultural practice with profound human implications, and that the humanities and social sciences offer insights to improve the social, cultural, and political impact of future computing tools. Students who complete the concentration will gain a greater understanding of how changes in computational power have refashioned fundamental questions about community, identity, democracy, and knowledge itself. Students majoring in computing fields will gain greater fluency to analyze the tools they work with, and also new ideas about applications. Students will learn to factor in new variables and pose new kinds of questions about what might constitute the successes and failures of innovation. You can read more quotes from faculty leaders in the Tech article. Students who wish to concentrate in Computing and Society will select four of any of the following subjects (click the links to read course description): Anthropology (Course 21A) 21A.311 The Social Life of Medical Devices, HASS-S 21A.500J Technology and Culture, HASS-S 21A.504J Cultures of Computing, HASS-S 21A.505 The Anthropology of Sound, HASS-S Comparative Media Studies/Writing (CMS Course 21W) CMS.314J Phantasmal Media: Theory and Practice, HASS-A CMS.360 Introduction to Civic Media, HASS-H CMS.361 Networked Social Movements, HASS-S CMS.595 Learning, Media, and Technology, HASS-S CMS.614J Network Cultures, HASS-H CMS.616J Games and Culture, HASS-S CMS.701 Current Debates in Media, HASS-H Global Studies and Languages (Course 21G) 21G.036 Advertising and Media: Comparative Perspectives, HASS-H 21G.067 Digital Media in Japan and Korea, HASS-H 21G.199 Chinese Youths and Web Culture, HASS-H History (Course 21H) 21H.383 Technology and the Global Economy, HASS-S Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24) 24.09 Minds and Machines, HASS-H, CI-H 24.131 Ethics of Technology, HASS-H 24.222 Decisions, Games, and Rational Choice, HASS-H Literature (Course 21L) 21L.017 The Art of the Probable, HASS-H, CI-H 21L.355 Literature in the Digital Age Political Science (Course 17) 17.265 Public Opinion and American Democracy, HASS-S 17.309J Science, Technology, and Public Policy, HASS-S, CI-H 17.445 International Relations Theory in the Cyber Age, HASS-S 17.447 Cybersecurity, HASS-S Science, Technology, and Society (STS) STS.002 Finance and Society, HASS-S, CI-H STS.005J Data and Society, HASS-H STS.044 Technology and Self: Things and Thinking, HASS-S STS.047 Quantifying People: A History of Social Science, HASS-S STS.083 Computers and Social Change, HASS-H STS.085J Foundations of Information Policy, HASS-S Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) WGS.111 Gender and Media Studies, HASS-H WGS.115 Gender and Technology, HASS-H WGS.151 Gender, Medicine, and Public Health, HASS-S WGS.224 Race, Gender and Social Inequality: Reproductive Health Care in the United States, HASS-S And, while Im on this kick, the Program on STS just released their fall lineup of talks and I am hyped for it, so Im attaching it to the bottom of this blog post in case youre in the area for any of them and want to drop by! Although, if a minor is offered in the same field, a student may extend their concentration into a minor in the same field. back to text ?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Organisational Citizenship Behaviour An Organization
Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: In any organisation, its members could display varied behaviour where minimalists would contribute inadequately just enough to maintain affiliation while others may exhibit overt and discretionary behaviour which is beyond their stipulated job description and likely to benefit the organisation (Turnipseed and Rassuli: 2005). Such latter behaviour where the employee proactively goes the extra mile engaging in extra role activities amounts to Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). OCB has been one of the important and popular research subjects in the recent years. It emphasizes on the most preferred employee-level outcomes at workplace (Bateman and Organ 1983, Smith et al 1983, Anderson and Williams: 1996). Although the concept of OCB was proposed by Bateman and Organ in the early 1980s, the origins of this concept could be traced back to early 1960s when Katz recognized three distinct behavioural entities for the proficient functioning of an organisation. This includes induction and retention of the workforce in the organisation, employees’ performing specific dependable job roles in addition to being innovative and proactive to contribute to the organisation beyond their job description. The latter entity would form the basis for the concept of OCB (cited in Smith et al 1983 Podsakoff et al: 2000). Definition: Organ (1988) describes OCB as â€Å"Individual behaviour that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognised by theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour By The Five Dimensions, Antecedents And Their Consequences1648 Words  | 7 PagesSOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY Student Name : Aneesh Rama Student ID No. : 22496283 Unit Name : Organisational Behaviour Unit Code : MNG82001 Assignment No. : 1 Assignment Title : Literature Review Due date : 23rd November 2015 Date submitted : 19th November 2015 Word count : 1472 Declaration: I have read and understand the Rules relating to Awards (Rule 3.18) as contained in the University Handbook. I understand the penalties that apply forRead MoreRole Of The Servant As A Leader1574 Words  | 7 Pages Organisational behaviour indicates to the approach of associations among individuals and meetings inside a firm. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Economic Impacts of Trumps Tariffs - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2271 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Politics Essay Level High school Topics: Donald Trump Essay Did you like this example? And so it began, on November 21, 2016, Trump introduced a putting America first, campaign saying he would proceed with fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back onto American shores. Three days after becoming being sworn in as president, Donald Trump kept his word and withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership saying that the agreement would undermine the U.S. economy and sovereignty. President Trump has also mentioned that he would end the North American Free Trade Agreement previously established with Canada and Mexico. His administration has been in the process of renegotiating the terms of this agreement. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Economic Impacts of Trumps Tariffs" essay for you Create order He specifically called out and criticized the Ford Motor Co, Carrier Corporation, and Mondelez International for having operations based in Mexico. In August 2015 Trump said that would he boycott Oreos when Mondelez International (the Oreo maker) announced that they would be moving manufacturing to Mexico. Recently Trump rebranded and renamed the North American Free Trade Agreement to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, U.S.M.C.A. Just this year Trump tweeted trade wars are good and easy to win, then just days later on March 8, he signed an order to impose the new tariffs effective after 15 days. The 25% steel tariff applies to all countries worldwide, however there are 4 countries that negotiated an exemption from the steel tariff. Australia, South Korea, Argentina Brazil. Leaders of these countries lobbied President Trump with statements like the following were military allies with you, were in every battle with you. It is interesting how just words simple can change the mind of the worlds most powerful leader. Rather the person truly meant them or not. Legally Trump does have the power to impose tariffs based on the recommendation from the U.S. Secretary of Commerce (currently Wilbur Ross) but not at the time if an article is being imported in the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten or impair national security, This section has not been invoked since the World Trade Organization was established in 1995. Both China and the EU have opened a WTO complaint against the U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs. Although some lawmakers have urged legislation to change the presidential authority on levying tariffs, it is highly unlikely a president would sign something giving up that much authority. Leading economists declared in a survey by the initiative on Global Markets at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business showed a consensus that imposing new U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum will not improve Americans lives and financial welfare. Economists believe that the tariffs will lead to more economic detriment than benefit, as the price for steel increases. I think the real winners of the tariffs are some American Steel and aluminum production industries; the small and middle-sized companies who are reliant on foreign inputs have struggled as a result of the tariffs. A study of the proposal indicated that the tariffs would lead to an estimated loss of 146,000 jobs. The Bush administration showed that 2002 steel tariffs caused more job losses than job gains. The tariffs have not been readily accepted from conservatives and Republicans, but Republican-controlled Congress has so far declined to take any action to counter Trumps imposition of tariffs. Reaction was mixed among democratic officials, with Democrats from the Rust Belt states voicing support for tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Both Canada and EU have implemented retaliatory tariffs. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said: Let me be clear, these tariffs are totally unacceptable, that Canada could be considered a national security risk to the United States is inconceivable. July 1, 2018, Canada also implemented retaliatory tariffs on US imports. They will match the value of the U.S. tariffs dollar-for-dollar and cover U.S. goods, including steel, aluminum, and a variety of other products, including inflatable boats, yogurts, whiskeys, candles, and sleeping bags. E.U. retaliatory tariffs took effect on June 22, 2018, imposing tariffs on 180 types of products, over $3 billion of U.S. goods. China and Mexico have also implemented retaliatory tariffs. China threatened to curb imports of US soybeans and Mexico on products such as steel, pork, cheese, whiskey, and apples, among other goods. Trumps latest round of automobile tariffs on Chinese imports will add costs to more than 100 car parts, a levy on everything from tires and brake pads to engines and batteries, that go into cars made and sold in the U.S. Its going to be felt by Americans and its going to be a big deal, said Peter Nagle, senior analyst at IHS Markit. Tariffs are taxes on consumption. Eventually, costs will be passed down to the consumer. This will drive vehicle costs higher. It also includes a lot of body shop equipment. How is this affecting imports and exports today? The sluggishness in imports and exports is in full swing, said Wang Jun, chief economist of Zhongyuan Bank in Beijing. Recently, Chinese exports have expanded robustly, which economists say reflected front-loading of cargoes before a now-postponed plan to hike U.S tariffs of $200 billion of Chinese goods to 25% from 10% on January 1. Trump and Xi Jinping agreed to a 90-day truce delaying the tariff hike as they negotiate a trade deal. Novembers China numbers are probably adding a sense of urgency. Now with U.S. and China agreeing not to escalate trade tensions any longer, China will start purchasing U.S. agricultural goods, which may narrow China-U.S trade surplus in the future. President Xi Jinping was excited and confident after his and President Trump recent meeting. President Xi said the meeting was highly successful. In Argentina last weekend, there was an agreed truce between Trump and Xi to delay the planned hike tariffs to 25 percent from 10 percent on $200 billion Chinese goods while they negotiate a trade deal. Trump and Xi are both confident about reaching an agreement within the next 90 days. Chinese ultimate goal is to remove all U.S tariffs imposed on Chinese goods. Both countries are playing hard ball with the recent tariff war. The White House has said China committed to start buying more American products and lifting tariff and non-tariff barriers immediately, while beginning negotiation talks with focuses on technology transfers and intellectual property protection. Trump has warned just this week of more tariffs if the two sides could not resolve their differences. Some think China has had the upper hand on trade for years. But to what extent should we go, do we play firm or play easy? Aluminum plants in the midwest think the Tariffs are great but Toyota in the same doesnt like it one bit. Some believe that U.S. policy on global trade must be stronger. That being said Trumps policies have deviated from Republican norm that had embraced international free trade agreements. There are economic impacts of retaliatory tariffs imposed on the U.S. If all of this trade talk end in better trade relationships that is a benefit for America but if it takes too long we may see the backlash for years. Trump is making a gamble by making other countries of the world negotiate their way out of the new heavy tariffs. It seems like Trump wants them to come begging, it seems Trump want to make sure everyone knows he is the most powerful. Will they cave or call his bluff? So far the ones that have been successful with negotiations have done so by meetings with Trum p and conversations like those that Canada and Australia are having with him as mentioned on the bottom of page two of this research paper. As crazy as it all seems Trumps trade measures are small compared to the scale and scope of the protectionist policies of President Ronald Reagans administration in the 1980s. What has history taught us about trade tariffs. The world economy was not really affected by the temporary reversal during the 190s of the trend toward trade liberalization. Although Trumps protectionism may well have very different consequences; history need not repeat itself. Trumps trade restrictions have more of a unilateral, in your face quality. We are living in a more advanced stage of globalization and the problems that have accompanied it are greater. What are the legitimate pros and cons to The Free Trade Agreement? Lets look at some below and then review them one by one to gain a better understanding. How U.S. trade effects you, depends on many things. It has a big impact on businesses and are invisible hand as a whole. The first pro is increased economic growth. This is the inflation of the adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is measured as the percent rate or increase in real gross domestic product, or GDP. Some of the factors that affect economic growth are, natural resources, physical capital or infrastructure, population or labor, human capital, technology and law. The second pro is lower government spending. It appears with the current tariffs and lack of free trade there is a problem that is resulting in the U.S. government spending around $4.7 billion in farm aid to bailout soybean farmers, which is one of the first products President Trump placed tariffs on. The third pro is technology transfer which is essentially transferring new technology from the originator to a secondary user, especially from developed countries to less developed countries in an attempt to boost their economies. The first con is increased job outsourcing. With job outsourcing there is a loss of control over business processes, problems with privacy and intellectual property regulations, quality and turnaround issues, and job loss (probably the biggest one affected by free trade). The second con is poor working conditions. I could have done an entire research paper on this subject. As underdeveloped countries attempt to cut costs to gain a price advantage, many workers in these countries face low pay, substandard working conditions and even forced and abusive child labor. The third and last con to free trade we will talk about is degradation of natural resources. Globalisation has resulted in the contraction of space and time, a development that has seen rapid expansion of international and global economic growth. It has also coincided with a dramatic rise in global environmental degradation, in the form of increased air and marine pollution, desertification and deforestation, loss of biological diversity and climate change, says Fikile Nyathi. He brings up the argument as many others do such as whether international trade is really to blame for environment degradation. Some of the key findings the tax foundation found are that trade barriers raise prices and limit available quantities of products and services for United States businesses and consumers, which means lower income, lower employment and lower economic output. Measures of trade flows are accounting issues and should not be misunderstood to be indicators of economic health. Production and exchange regardless of the balance on the current account generate wealth. Before President Trump the world had largely moved away from protectionist trade policies towards a rules-based, open trading system. Post-war trade liberalization has led to widespread benefits, including higher income levels, lower prices, and greater consumer choice. The current administration has enacted tariffs on imported solar panels, washing machines, steel, and aluminum, and is investigating further tariffs on Chinese imports and automobile imports. The U.S. trade deficit was at a 10-year high in October 2018 as soybean exports dropped further and imports of consumer goods rose to a record high. This is proving that President Trumps administrations tariff-related actions to shrink the trade gap likely have been ineffective. Unfortunately the administration of President Trump does support an aggressive across the board tariff of 45% on all imports from China to neutralize the effects of Chinas currency manipulation. Such a tariff cannot withstand an economic and legal analysis, says Daniel Chow of the University of Pittsburgh. Fundamental economic principles indicate that Chinas alleged currency devaluation cannot create a real long-term trade advantage and that the effects of currency devaluation have no real effect on the U.S.-China trade balance. Not only is currency manipulation not a cause of the U.S. trade deficit with China but the proposed remedy of a draconian 45% tariff will only create a grievous self-inflicted wound on the United States and the global economy. From a legal perspective, a 45% tariff cannot be justified under the legal regime of the World Trade Organization as such a tariff runs in conflict of the tightly regulated regime of authorized trade sanctions. As the proposed tariff ca nnot be justified from a legal or economic perspective, it is not an advisable or appropriate response to Chinas trade practices. It is a rather complicated issue and Im not sure I have the answers but trade barriers, such as tariffs, have been demonstrated to cause more economic harm than benefit: they raise prices and reduce availability of goods and services, thus resulting, on net, lower income, reduced employment and lower economic output. Rather than erect barriers to trade that will have negative economic consequences, policymakers should promote free trade and the economic benefits it brings. However, organizations like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the newly named USMCA are critical in free trade. For example if in America we care about polluting our rivers so have regulations on how to handle waste put are importing most of our paint from China who does not have regulations on waste then we are protecting our environment but they are not, and we all share the same World. It is essential we have regulation as things such as poor working conditions, increased job outsourcing and degradation of natur al resources.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Roll of Communication in Management Free Essays
Communication is the process of transmitting information and meaning. It is important for managers to develop their communication skills, because it is one major skills needed by managers. The management roles, which are interpersonal, informational, and decisional and the management functions, which are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling all require communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Roll of Communication in Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many types of communication. 1. vertical communication. The definition of vertical communication is the flow of information both downward and upward through the organizational chain of command. Some also refer to it as formal communication. Downward communication kind of speaks for itself; top-level management produces decisions that are communicated down to tell employees how to perform their job. 2. upward communication. This is when employees send a message threw the chain of command, to the managers. This type of communication is very good for employees because they feel they are being noticed in the organization. Managers also benefit from this because they learn more about the organization. 3. horizontal communication. Horizontal communication is defined as the flow of information between colleagues and peers. Although it is a form of formal communication, it does not follow a chain of command. Horizontal communication happens when persons of equal rank, if you will, communicate to each other. 4. grapevine communication. It is defined as the flow of information in any direction throughout the organization. This is a form of informal communication. This can flow in any direction, at anytime. Rumors get spread this way. Managers can correct situations by sending correct information down the chain of command. The next term I would like to define and describe is the communication process. The communication process consists of a sender who encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver who decodes it and may give feedback. There are four steps in this process. One, the sender encodes the message and selects the transmission channel. Two, the message is transmitted through a channel. Three, the receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is needed. Four, feedback, response, or new message may be transmitted through a channel. In defining the first one that is, the sender encodes the message and selects the channel, we must define the different parts of that phrase. Encoding is defined as the sender’s process of putting the message into a form that the receiver will understand. When selecting a channel there are three primary communication channels, which are oral, nonverbal, and written. The sender should choose the most appropriate one to warrant the needs of the situation. The second step in the communication process is, the sender transmits the message. After the sender has encoded the message, and selected a channel it is transmitted to the receiver. There are many barriers one being noise. This can confuse the receiver and he or she may not be able to understand it correctly. The third step in the communication process is, the receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is needed. Decoding is defined as the receiver’s process of translating the message into a meaningful form. The receiver decides if there is something needed in return, such as feedback, a response, or a new message. There are many barriers to mess up this step. Some of these are trust, credibility, not listening, and emotional barriers. The forth step in the communication process is feedback: a response or a new message may be transmitted. The role of the receiver and sender can change at anytime during this communication process. There are three different channels to communicate through, oral, non-verbal, and written. Oral communication is verbal communication. You can communicate fast with a one on one oral communication. The amount of time it takes to communicate this way to many persons is where it lacks. Nonverbal communication is messages sent without words. Body language is included in nonverbal communication. Facial expressions and vocal quality are both parts of body language. Written communication provides a record and is usually more accurate then oral communication. Some examples of this are memos, letters, reports, and posters. I would now like to discuss and define feedback. Feedback is the process of verifying messages. You can use feedback to describe the fact that didn’t understand the sender’s message this is referred to as paraphrasing. The definition of paraphrasing is the process of having the receiver restate the message in his or her own words. Communications management focuses on the efficient and effective management of all ex-change relations between an organization and its stakeholders. Corporate communications as part of the communications management process is about presenting corporate policy, and creating a positive relationship with an organization’s environment. Promoting the relationships with all the relevant stakeholders acts as an extremely important tool to gain corporate success and competitive advantage How to cite Roll of Communication in Management, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Origins Of Communism Essays - Anti-capitalism, Economic Ideologies
Origins of Communism Origins of Communism Throughout the history of the modern world, man has sought out the perfect government. An invincible system of order. And in our search for this ideal system, the idea of holding property in common has been a reoccurring thought. From early Christian communities to modern Marxist states, socialism and more specifically, communism has had an important role in the development of this ideal system. After the Great French Revolution of 1789-1794, the roots of modern-day communism can be clearly seen. In 1795, Gracchus Babeuf wrote the "Plebeians' Manifesto" which stated, for full social and economical equality: " establish a common administration; to suppress individual property; to attach each man to the employment or occupation with which he is acquainted; to oblige him to place the fruits of his labor in kind into a common store; and to establish a simple administration for food supplies, which will take note of all individuals and all provisions, and will have the latter divided according to the most scrupulous equality." - "Plebeians' Manifesto"1 Because of this and other acts considered to be threatening to the Directory, Babeuf was executed in May of 1797. Babeuf was not forgotten though, others followed in his footsteps. Another 19th century French reformer, Charles Fourier, shared many of Babeuf's ideas, but where Babeuf favored immediate political change, Fourier was for longer-term social reform. The Comte de Saint-Simon, another political thinker of that time, was similar to Fourier in many respects, although he valued a mixed society of capitalist thinkers and socialist workers which he believed would triumph in future French communities. Meanwhile in England, Robert Owen, a Welsh industrialist, was developing his own brand of Socialism. Unlike many philosophers of his time, Owen based his ideas on experience rather than speculation. He managed a factory and realized that labor was the essential "factor of production". He looked to the workers rather than government for solutions to economic problems. He proposed "cooperative societies", or self-contained communities of producers and consumers which he hoped would prove his theories. But his socialist experiment never took place because adequate funding was denied. In the mid-1830's, the term "Communism" was introduced to the world of French politics. First used to describe Saint-Simon and Fourier's egalitarian slant on socialist ideas, Louis Blanc built on the ideals of Fourier to establish an important point of modern-day communism. He stated the principle, "...from each according to his capacities, to each according to his needs", where as the old principle stated, "...from each according to his capacities, to each according to his works." This would prove necessary to later philosophers such as Marx and Engels whose fundamental ideas were largely based on such principles. Even more influential, though, was German thinker Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel introduced "radical" ideas to European politics in the early 1800's, but they would not be fully realized by others until after his death in 1831. He was convinced that all life evolves from total unconsciousness to full self-consciousness. By this he meant that we as a race of people are gradually becoming more aware of our existence. At his intellectual peak, Hegel said, "The real is the rational." And although this may not have been Hegel's intent, many 19th and 20th century followers interpreted this as a outward rejection of religion which in itself is centered on faith. But to fully understand the evolution of modern-day Communism, we must first understand it's beginnings as a communal system. It wasn't until about the 6th century B.C. that the Buddhist monks who made up the "Sangha" tried to abolish the "caste" system. During this time in Greece, Pythagoras and his disciples believed that friendship was the basis for a good society, and to them is attributed the phrase, "friends should have all things in common." But for obvious reasons, this system could never work on a larger scale. The idea gained momentum in late 5th century Greece when Plato recorded his predecessor's dialogue in The Republic. Socrates outlines two types of communism in his dialogue. The first was a "utopian" communism which basically describes a peasant society not complicated by luxuries. He goes on to say that such a society would work for "pigs" but not a civilized 4th century Athenian. For this he explained a sophisticated communism, one that would do away with the hardships caused by a wealthy ruling class. Plato then goes on to lay out a community in which wealth and power is separated, factoring social class out of the ruling equation. But Socrates argues the impracticality of Plato's system being introduced to an Aristocratic Greece. Over a thousand years
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